Link to indiegogo campaign:

Along with being an independent artist I am also Director of FLOCK Dance Center. Although many people call FLOCK their artistic home and are a part of our larger community, FLOCK’s day to day operations and the larger issues of keeping FLOCK afloat is run solely by myself. This is a labor of love that I commit to with all that I am. And yet as they say, it takes a village. Today I ask you for your help.

Through a huge community effort FLOCK opened it’s doors 4 years ago in 2014 and continues to be an incredibly vibrant and important part of the local, and the larger dance community. FLOCK is dedicated to creating access to affordable rehearsal space, classes and workshops. I believe that money should not stand in the way of participation. This is an underlying belief that underpins most of what FLOCK does. I thank Disjecta Arts Center (our landlords) for subsidizing our rent to make this model possible in the always charging higher rent market of Portland, OR.

Today I ask you to join me in FLOCK’s fundraising efforts and give what you can. Every dollar matters. I  have created an Indiegogo campaign and the perks are amazing. Please take a moment to go online and see what FLOCK is offering. I hope you will consider donating today, and please help spread the word!

Thank you for your consideration and I hope to see you at our SUMMER LOVE SOLSTICE DANCE PARTY on June 22nd (see events page!)



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